Art of VJing
Research and refrence material for the 'Art of VJing' module.
Note: this is a live page with refrences added and removed depending on what we are covering in the module. Copy or make note of the refrences if you want to save them for later use.
If you have any questions relating to the module, visual software or hardware use the PB VLE.

Handmade Cinema (book/website)
The “Handmade Cinema” website and book allows users to explore the world of artisanal moving image production by providing information on the practices and …

VJ Colour Palette 001 (RGBA normalised)
When creating a colour pallet for VJ software, node based framework and live code the colour values are often normalised to a range between 0-1. The following …

Emptyset (artist reference)
Emptyset is a multidisciplinary production project founded by James Ginzburg and Paul Purgas exploring the sonic possibilities of electroacoustic and computer …

Merrill Aldighieri (artist reference)
The term "video jockey" comes from the term "disc jockey", "DJ" ("deejay") as used in radio. Music Television (MTV) popularized the term in the 1980s. The MTV …

Grey EMEA (2003)
Visuals archive (2003) – Grey Europe (EMEA) Christmas Party, London – I remember this venue well, the dance floor overlooked Buckingham Palace Gardens and it …

Koko London (2011)
We Me Clouds (visuals archive) – Club NME at Koko London, 15th March, 2011. A rare bit of footage from my visuals work and as usual terrible sound on the …

Reading List
A selection of moving image, photography, art and culture useful for research, reference and teaching. ISBN codes link to Amazon books.